Saturday, February 22, 2014

Our Retirement Home

So, I realize that this is a little hasty, to pick out a home for our retirement before we are even done with school... BUT this home just made me so so happy! Here is a link to the website.

Its like the size of an RV basically, but it is soooo gorgeous on the inside.

The ESCAPE cabin was originally conceived as a high quality cabin, NOT an RV.

I can just imagine what it would be like to put this somewhere on the Oregon coast. Or maybe up near the Smoky Mountains.

Now, ESCAPE is part of the tiny house movement. This movement, which is growing in popularity, has focuses on living with a smaller financial, environmental and physical footprint.

Sure, its not so grand-kid friendly, but I can imagine that we would spend more time outside then inside most days.

It doesn’t look like most other RVs, but it fits the standard of the Park Model RV, which can be up to 400 square feet.

Compromises must be made when creating a tiny home. There's no room for a full kitchen or bathroom, but one look at ESCAPE and I would completely forget about that.

It is such an adorable place. I just had to blog about it. I think that I might post later about the type of home that I want to raise a family in, since that is closer then retirement! But tonight I am thinking of the day where I get to sit in this beautiful house, holding my sweet guy's hand and growing old and gray (or technically, white, as described by this informative article I read about redheads). I imagine that we will still go on adventures like we do now, exploring and taking pictures.

I love that life just seems so exciting to me. I wake up thinking most days, "Wow... this is such a wonderful life." The stress of school, and trials that my family is going through lately still haven't beaten my spirit. I just am so lucky to be living the life that I have with the man of my dreams.

The cabin/RV is settled at Canoe Bay Escape, surrounded by gorgeous views on all sides.