Thursday, July 31, 2014

Don't you dare freeze your cake.

It was our one year anniversary this Sunday! Wow, it really has been a whole year since we went to the temple, and made promises to each other and to Heavenly Father. I remember how special that day was and I know that our wonderful friends and family played a huge role in making it a day to always remember. 

We celebrated on Saturday night and Sunday after church. We went and got our maternity pictures taken by the lovely and talented Jennie Ray Masterson (website here). It was so fun! I am excited to see them! 
Then. we went out for delicious Chinese food at this place we have been dying to try. It is super close to our new house, and now I know how good it is, and so we will be back.... Well, we ate out and then we went on a walk of downtown and it was so pretty and fun. Just a perfect night with my love.

Sunday we had a picnic adventure.

We made delicious turkey and lettuce wraps with cream cheese and honey mustard sauce, and I really liked them. Of course cheese "nips" were on the menu. I eat them a lot right now.

We found a nice spot by a river and chowed down. Spanish Fork canyon is really pretty.

Oh, have I mentioned how much I love this guy yet? Well, its true. He makes me laugh and I am pretty lucky that I got this whole YEAR with him as my love.

Just look at that beautiful cake. Looks tasty huh? WROOONG. Haha It was pretty nasty after being in our freezer for a whole year. Whoever made up that tradition of freezing your cake and eating it a year later must have had a negative view on marriage. The cake that once was delicious and beautiful is now a crusty, strange tasting heap of nastiness. See what I mean? 

Don't freeze your wedding cake. Just eat it like normal people should.

Its a good thing that we brought backup.


It has been a while since my last prego picture. Here is the belly at 29 weeks pregnant. I am liking the third trimester so far. I don't feel like I am starving all the time, and I am still comfortable doing normal day to day things and fun hikes (low key) still.

10 weeks. Thats it. Baby is coming so soon!

What a happy year it has been. We have both been blessed with great jobs, I finished my degree, we bought a car and started renting a bigger home, and we have a little guy on the way! 

What a year.
I love you, Matthew. Now on to year 2! 

For some reason, I have the feeling that its going to be great.

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Adventures of Summertime

Today, 23 years ago, my sweet hubby was born! I am sure that everyone is quite aware of how I feel about this guy, but I can't help but bring up how this blue eyed prince has me completely ga-ga over him still.

He makes me laugh everyday, and I have so much fun when I am with him. I feel lost sometimes if I am without him for too long. Also, we do fun dates like going to the water park with our season passes, watching movies checked out from the library, going on hikes or walks daily, and cooking yummy food. I will always remember the first year of our marriage as being so full of busy but happy times!

I am the luckiest person ever. I couldn't have imagined how much I would love being married, or how much I could love one person so much that it becomes a part of who I am. I am Rebecca Catherine Curtis, the wife of Mr. Matthew Ryan Curtis, and I am so very happy.

Remember that we are going to have a baby?

Remember that I haven't blogged in forever to say if its a boy or girl?

Yeah. ITS A BOY!

Here is the pregnancy paragraph:
So, I am 26 weeks pregnant and I feel pretty great. I can still go on hikes and adventures, I just have to be careful not to lose my balance because my already clumsy nature is being amplified by steady expansion of my belly. It feels good to be able to do things still and not be held back by exhaustion or nausea that were my friends a few weeks ago. I don't have too many weird cravings... just fruit or fruity candy. After every meal I have to eat some strawberries or a few jelly beans to feel completely satisfied. Also, I am hungry ALL THE TIME now. I think that baby must be going through a growth spurt. I can feel when he pushes his head against my tummy and he just moves it around while kicking me. Matthew can even see when he starts doing this too. It is like a big  lump in one side of my stomach.

Ok, now that the pregnant woman has vented about all that silly stuff... we can move on.

We went to Tennessee! It was beautiful and rainy and hot. I loved it. Matthew was reminded of Brazil, and so he loved it too. He spent about 20 hours that week just fishing with my dad. They are buddies now.

We went to a waterfall!

It was so pretty and such a perfect day. My preggo self was even able to make the hike. My brothers give me a hard time, but every single one of them helped me at some point along the hike by giving me a hand to the next rock, or by pushing me up a hill. They are ok sometimes...

Oh, we also saw Matthew's family in St. George at the very beginning of summer. It was such a great trip. Here are some late pictures, but they were too cute not to share!

Ella loved pulling her "Bo-Bo" around showing him things. Matthew told me the other day how he thinks its funny that Ella only knows him as Bo-Bo (which does happen to mean dummy in Spanish). Someday she is going to be so shocked that his real name isn't nearly as cool as the one she gave him.

There was also this adorable not-so-bald-anymore little man. He was all sweet smiles and chuckles. I just love his wide grin and big beautiful, blue eyes. He is walking now!

There was this really fun day that we played in the dirt. Mr. Fenton loved picking up rocks and clods of dirt and trying to eat them. Matthew would just pick them out of his hands once he found them, and toss them over and over. Fenton was so patient and diligent. He got in a few handfuls of dirt.

Now you can see why we talk about these kids so much. They are adorable. 

So, you know that saying "spill the beans?" Like it is supposed to mean that you tell someone something that they shouldn't know? Well, we had a literal spill the beans moment and the phrase is probably coined from the fact that spilling the beans happens by accident, and it is super messy.

Its a good thing that our kitchen is so small, right? That way the mess was at least slightly contained. I was laughing so hard while I took these pictures.

Well, we are moving soon. We got a job managing storage units in Spanish Fork, so we are moving about 15 mins south of here. We get a free apartment and I will be able to stay home with the baby while Matthew goes to school still. It is a real blessing. Pictures to come soon!