Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Best Love Story Ever Told

So I decided it was time to join in the ranks of bloggers out there.

There is no better way to begin than to share the most wonderful love story of mankind.


Once upon a time there was this crazy red-headed girl from Tennessee.

She grew up in a beautiful small town with her wonderful family and friends.

Life was happy.

Then, her time in Tennessee came to an end. It was the day for her to spread her wings as a young woman, and she traveled across the country, to the land of Utah.

Life was even more fun! She made some amazing friends.

One of whom was the extremely awesome John John De Leon.

She had no idea what was about to happen....

She was introduced to the handsomely-dashing-manly-faced prince

Matthew Ryan Curtis

They became best-friends.

She thought he was handsome.

They did everything together. They played music, made delicious meals, went to the temple and volunteered at the MTC, played sports and card games, went on wintery adventures, and in the middle of it all....

They fell in that wonderful messiness we call 

The adventures of Matthew and Rebecca had begun. And as they spent more time together, they realized that this life together was good enough to last forever.

Then the daunting task began to commence.

They had to say goodbye.

For 2 and a half years.

The Lord called Matthew Curtis to serve as a full time missionary in the distant, beautiful land of Brazil.

So he went.

Year One:
Matthew worked hard in Brazil, and wrote Becca every week.
Becca stayed in Utah and kept going to school. She missed him with her whole heart.

Letter days were the best days.

Then, Becca decided (with extreme help from her Heavenly Father) that she needed to take a break from school and go and serve a mission as well.

So she did.

And life was happy. Still the letters kept flowing as they fell more and more in love, thousands of miles apart. Funny how that works, huh?

Year Two:
Both of the two crazy, love-struck kids put their all in the work of the Lord. Together walking hundreds of miles talking to thousands of people. Praying for each other on their knees everyday.

"Every morning I wake up from my dreams still holding tightly to your hand. I love you, Rebecca"
-Elder Curtis

"Matthew, a missionary is someone who spends time away from their loved ones, so others can spend eternity with theirs. I love you, best-friend"
-Hermana Flake

Then, after 2 years, Matthew finished his mission faithfully and had to return home, no longer a boy, but a man. :)
So he did.

He got to be with his family again and had a new, beautiful niece to get to know!

The next 6 months he waited. Making sure Becca was spoiled with a letter each week.

Then, her time in Uruguay ended, and it was time to return home.
So she did.

That night they talked across skype for the first time. They heard each others voices. Becca cried.
They were together again. A little more grown up, but still very much in love.

Matthew and Rebecca laughed, played in the sprinklers, teased John John, and lived life together again. The time apart was hard... but it was sure worth it.

They decided that this love could last forever. She wanted to make him yummy food and always make sure he had someone to hold his hand. He wanted to always make her laugh with his dorky little jokes and tickle fights. They wanted to live happily ever after...

So they are.



  1. I LOVE this story, it's so beautiful! I love that you recorded it like this with all these pictures! And I'm so excited that you started a blog, it will make me feel connected to you guys even when we haven't gotten to talk to you in a while!

    1. Thanks annie! Yeah, we always always look at your cute blog and it helps us know whats going on with your sweet little guys, too :) haha blogging seems fun so far!
