Thursday, May 15, 2014

Oh, Sweet Child of Mine...

Dearest Child,

So, The reason I actually am dedicated to this whole blogging thing is for you! Surprise! This is a present for you so you can have this little journal of mine with pictures and captions and all sorts of fun stuff to help you get a feel of how much your Mommy and Daddy love you already, and how much they completely love each other. (You will already know this by the time you are old enough to read from here though. All these facts will be very apparent in our home.)

Did you know that this time last year, your Daddy asked me to marry him? Yep. It was super happy. You see, we had been away from each other for two and a half years (actually exactly 2 years and 9 months!) and we were super happy to be back together again. Can't you tell by these pictures from his trip to Tennessee to visit me the same month that I got home from the mission?

Oh yes, this was a happy time. Your daddy told me something interesting the other night. He said, "Isn't it interesting that our kids will only know us TOGETHER? They will see our marriage as something that always existed, and always will." This is so true. You won't know this, but you are coming into the world only a year and 4 months or so (you better not come too much later!) from the time that we got married. We are still rookies at this whole adult life.

But we want you. We absolutely love you and want you.

We don't promise to be perfect parents, but we will give this adventure our all. 
You mean so much to us already.
Yes, so be prepared to be smothered with kisses and lovins all your sweet existence!

Guess what? We don't even know if you are a girl or a boy yet! That is going to be revealed to us in 6 days. Can you guess how excited we are!!?? Also, you have been learning all sorts of new tricks in my belly. You like to push your little body to one side of my tummy, and then kick around like crazy. They say babies this little aren't supposed to be able to kick hard yet, but you are ahead of the curve it seems. You especially like to kick against my pants line (be nice, I haven't bought maternity pants yet and so my normal ones are getting tight!). You seem to be enjoying your space.

They say that babies this little can hear from the womb. We like to talk to you at night and tell you silly things. Hopefully you are getting used to our voices. It will be something familiar.

Well sweet baby, you are also coming into a world full of people who are gonna love you to bits. Your big giant family is going to just spoil you so much.

Enjoy your time in my tummy, and grow all healthy and strong. Oh yes, please stop kicking Mommy when she is trying to sleep... It makes her so excited, she ends up staying awake all the time just thinking about you.

We love you!

Mommy & Daddy

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