Sunday, November 10, 2013

Let me sum up.

Ok. I am ashamed. It has been quite some time since I posted last. BUT I am rededicated. (Matthew warns me of making promises that I can't keep... but I am dedicated to at least trying.)

So, there are many reasons as to why it was difficult to keep up with the postings. So I will fly them by in a whirl-wind of photos!

After the honeymoon, we moved into a cute little apartment that is in a house that was built in the year 1900. It has so much character. I just love how when we have certain electronics on at the same time our power goes out, the cracks in all the walls, the noise the shower makes when someone else in the house flushes the toilet before it shoots out boiling water, and the antique door knobs.

When we first moved in we didn't have furniture and so this is what our bedroom looked like.

Well, we sure had fun looking for cheap and useful items. I am now proud of our little home.

We had so much fun ending our summer. It was filled of camping trips in our little tent in the gorgeous Provo Canyon. We came at night and didn't even know until morning that we were right next to a gorgeous lake.

Cooking together and eating at 9 at night has been pretty adventurous as well. We kinda are obsessed with Asian food right now.

Then, I had a birthday! I turned 23 years old and I was a pretty spoiled individual with a shopping trip with my sister, Tucanos (SUPER YUMMY!), and then lots and lots o' chocolate.

Hm yes the hubby also made me a delicious bday dinner.

We had a super fun adventure hiking a mountain with friends! It was gorgeous and perfect weather at first.

Then, dark and angry clouds came over the horizon and moved toward the mountain. It was so pretty to watch the lightning get closer and closer. Then, the clouds burst and poured their warm rain on our group of wandering hikers. Honestly, that made the adventure even more adventurous, running down the flooding trails in the dark tasting the rain as we were laughing.

Dollar movies were a hit this summer as well.

Then we started school! Now our normal days consist of waking up and saying goodbye at 8 in the morning until our lunch break where we see each other for an hour before I have to work at 1, then missing each other until 9pm when Matthew gets off work.

We still have super fun weekend dates that have included parties, dances, hikes, chilling with friends, long walks, shopping, cooking, and double dates.

Life is good.

1 comment :

  1. I love the pics of your home! I love that polka dot rug! And your meals look amazing! I'm now craving Asian food! I love this little summary of your cute lives!
