Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The End of Mo-vember

Mr. Matthew decided to grow a mustache this month. I was the sweet and supportive wifey through the whole experience. I didn't mind it too much, but I was kinda glad to see it go. Here is the stache in the beginning phases...

Here is it all grown out. I thought it was cute that you could only see it up close...

Matthew: "We didn't even get to name him yet!"

I really didn't mind the stache. I felt like Matthew was a part of a cool club as he received silent nods from other men on campus who were keeping their upper lips warm. So here at BYU they only can grow mustaches because the full on facial hair is against the honor code. This year I heard that they were also promoting men's health.

I am not one of those girls that can't stand facial hair, but I really do appreciate a nice clean shaven face. Matthew joked that this picture should be titled "The first kiss of November". haha

Its cold here finally! I love getting all bundled up and watching movies. We have been slightly addicted to LOST lately. I know the rest of the world watched it a while ago, but we are just now getting into it. 

I love WINCO! We bought a ton of frozen fruit, and despite the cold, we are making smoothies a few times a week. Matthew says that the frozen mangoes are the most similar to delicious Brazilian ones. Smoothies are the perfect dessert because they aren't that bad for you or too filling!

Well, today we celebrate 4 incredible months of being married! In short amount of time I have learned so much about love. When we were engaged, and even that day 4 months ago when we walked out of the temple, I thought I was so in love that I could burst. Well, apparently I still had more room in my heart, because now I feel like I love him even MORE. 

He is forever my dancing partner at the parties we throw ourselves at the end of a long day, my secret keeper, my willing victim for testing all my attempts at cooking, and the hug waiting for me when I wake up with a bad dream.

I love you, Matthew.

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