Thursday, March 27, 2014

1 + 1 = 3

I've noticed that I love reading how little Mommy blogs and stories about pregnancy. So, I bet I would enjoy writing one. I already am so excited and I feel like I am always talking about baby things, so maybe this will also help me vent.

I CAN"T BELIEVE THAT I AM GOING TO BE A MOM! This handsome guy is going to be a Daddy!
Oh, I am so excited.

How things are going:
So, today I am 11 1/2 weeks pregnant. I thought I should write about how the first trimester has gone so far. Hmm.. It was really hard at first actually. 
I was super nauseous all the time around the 5 weeks to 10 weeks time period.
I craved a few random things:
Fresh fruit
Oatmeal (which I always had hated before pregnancy)
Nilla wafers
I still avoid these things at all costs because they make me soooo sick:
Bbq sauce
Strong tasting foods in general

Just smelling Bbq sauce makes me want to hurl. Yeah, so that is avoided in our home right now. Poor Matthew. He loves his super savory meats. I don't mind if he cooks them for himself. I just can't even be around. I eat soups a lot.

I am still in school full time, and I have NEVER been so extremely lazy in my life with my classes. I skip class and sleep in sometimes and I do the work so last minute. Well, its also my last semester... so I blame it on pregnancy and senioritus. 
My professors are really understanding. They all are married and have kids. So they know that morning sickness is no joke. The bad thing for me was that this sickness was anytime of the day.

So, I am SO tired all of the time as well. I can feel my thoughts getting fuzzy at around nine, and its a miracle if I'm up past 12. I just always feel like napping too.

I can tell that I am getting a belly now! I haven't gained weight yet. I actually lost a bit during the first few weeks, but I think if I weighed myself now I would have gained it back. It all seems to migrate to my belly.

See this cute man? He is my sweet husband. I feel like I am doing well in this whole pregnancy thing because of him. He holds me when I randomly emotional about not owning a vacuum or other ridiculous things, he always is willing to make me smoothies, and he kisses my belly every morning saying hi to his "little buddy". This man wins for being the best Daddy ever. 

It was really fun to tell the family. We emailed pictures to our parents and Matthew's sister and husband while skyping them so we could see there reactions. It was really so fun. My siblings came over for dinner that night and we had this sign hanging up in our room. Crystal yelled before anyone else saw it, "YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!" Then the rest of the family came in and Jason said, "Does this mean we gots to treat ya special?" Haha my family. I am excited that little buddy is going to come into such a happy and loving environment.

So, here I am, at 10 weeks pregnant. I can see how my belly is getting bigger, but I know it has so much more to go! 
Keep growing cute little child. I am so excited to meet you someday and be your Mommy. 
I love you so much already.

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