Saturday, April 12, 2014

So, this isn't too bad.

Yeah. I am doing ok. I am now 14 weeks along and things are going really well. I am not saying that I have absolutely no symptoms now, because that would be a lie, but I honestly am feeling really great and so very happy.

Guys, I am going to be a Mommy.


This picture is taken at 12 weeks along. I feel so much bigger then this picture is actually portraying. For the first time in my life my belly hangs OVER my pants when I sit down. Its just such a lovely baby chub right now. My clothes still fit right now (minus one pencil skirt and a high-waisted pair of pants). I am still comfy in my jeans, which I am thankful for. It doesn't seem like I will need to buy maternity clothes for awhile now. We will see. 

With the growth spurt that baby had these past few weeks, I can see how fast my body can change in a short amount of time. Exciting huh? I really love the fact that I can tell my belly is bigger now. It makes this whole pregnancy thing seem real. (I know I won't be saying this like 5 months from now! haha)

(My Dad came out and visited and these handsome guys came to church with us.)

So, Matthew is really the best man in the whole world. I know I basically just brag about him whenever he is brought up in this blog, but really, he is wonderful.

So, the other day I was really tired and I had school/ work from 7 AM to 8 PM and so I was just so cranky. He came to pick me up from my last class, and as I got in the car, I hear that he is jamming out to "Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira! I just love him. We jammed out all the way home, and I was instantly in a better mood. 
I love how much I love life when I am with him.

He is always so willing to serve and to love. He takes care of his little unborn child by making me remember always to take my vitamins. (3 giant pills 2xs a day) Also, he is so considerate of all my random cravings and mood swings. I really picked a good one. 

We helped plan an ice cream party at church, and here are some of the pictures.

Cute idea huh? Ice cream balloons!

It was a summer theme, so we had sand buckets and a photo booth.

I love how awkward we look. This is classic. Plus, the stache is pretty awesome.

This cute girl is in our ward, and she is so cute. She loved the hats from the photo booth.

Life is so good. We are almost done with this semester. (My last!). I landed a great internship over the summer working with troubled teen boys, and we are going on vacation to Vegas soon.

We are going to find out the gender of baby Curtis this next month! Feel free to put in your guesses!

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